Friday, May 29, 2009

I Love to See the TEMPLE

Today Justus wanted to play like he was a baby.  He knew that babies come after someone is married so he came to Zeke and I and said , "You guys need to get married so that I can come to earth."  He then proceeded to go upstairs, because that is where Heavenly Father lives and to let him know when we were done at the Temple so that he could come down as a baby.  It was really very sweet.  I am happy that some of the values that we are trying to teach the kids are sinking in.  Zeke was also so cute, when I said lets go to the temple and get married he got excited and a little shy.  The other day the boys were singing I love to see the temple and it was music to a moms ears.  

1 comment:

  1. ADORABLE. I am so glad you wrote this down so you will never forget it!

    I love when you post a new blog post!
